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泛亚电竞官网-China imposes curbs on export of chipmaking metals - gallium and germanium

2024-07-21 00:06 作者:泛亚电竞 浏览:
本文摘要:China imposes curbs on export of chipmaking metals - gallium and germanium

By Li Panpan

(JW Insights) Jul 4 China will put export restrictions on gallium and germanium in order to “safeguard national security and interests,” and Chinese exporters will have to apply for permits from the beginning of August, China's Ministry of Commerce and Administration of Customs said on July 3.

泛亚电竞官网-China imposes curbs on export of chipmaking metals - gallium and germanium(图1)

The London-based Financial Times commented on July 3 that China hit back at US-led restrictions on semiconductor sales by seeking to throttle exports of metals used in chipmaking and communications equipment.

The Chinese measures come days after the Netherlands announced plans to apply the latest set of controls to limit the sale of high-end chipmaking equipment abroad. The move is expected to prevent dozens of machines made by Dutch company ASML, which produces the world's most advanced semiconductor-making tools, from reaching Chinese companies, said the FT report.

Both materials in China's export control can form alternatives to traditional silicon wafers in specialized applications, as well as for components used in military and communications equipment.

China is the world's leading producer of gallium and germanium, according to the US Geological Survey, so any reduction in sales to the rest of the world is likely to slow production or increase prices for manufacturers and their clients in the tech, telecoms, energy and automotive sectors, said the FT report.

Some Chinese companies are worried that the export controls may backfire. “It may affect the business of Chinese manufacturers instead during the economic downturn, but with a limited impact on the international market in the short term,” said an executive from a Chinese semiconductor material company.

China imposes curbs on export of chipmaking metals - gallium and germanium

By Li Panpan

(JW Insights) Jul 4 China will put export restrictions on gallium and germanium in order to “safeguard national security and interests,” and Chinese exporters will have to apply for permits from the beginning of August, China's Ministry of Commerce and Administration of Customs said on July 3.

泛亚电竞官网-China imposes curbs on export of chipmaking metals - gallium and germanium(图1)

The London-based Financial Times commented on July 3 that China hit back at US-led restrictions on semiconductor sales by seeking to throttle exports of metals used in chipmaking and communications equipment.

The Chinese measures come days after the Netherlands announced plans to apply the latest set of controls to limit the sale of high-end chipmaking equipment abroad. The move is expected to prevent dozens of machines made by Dutch company ASML, which produces the world's most advanced semiconductor-making tools, from reaching Chinese companies, said the FT report.

Both materials in China's export control can form alternatives to traditional silicon wafers in specialized applications, as well as for components used in military and communications equipment.

China is the world's leading producer of gallium and germanium, according to the US Geological Survey, so any reduction in sales to the rest of the world is likely to slow production or increase prices for manufacturers and their clients in the tech, telecoms, energy and automotive sectors, said the FT report.

Some Chinese companies are worried that the export controls may backfire. “It may affect the business of Chinese manufacturers instead during the economic downturn, but with a limited impact on the international market in the short term,” said an executive from a Chinese semiconductor material company.

